If you found your way to this post, you probably have plans for a new water heater installation in Qualicum Beach, BC this summer. Not only do you have the plans, you have an idea to make the switch from a standard storage water heater (a.k.a. a tank water heater) to a tankless water heater.
We approve of considering tankless water heaters, which offer many benefits for households. Although a tankless water heater might not fit with your home’s needs—no two households have the same water usage patterns and requirements—you’ll at least benefit from taking a look at what one of these systems can offer you.
Below we’ll look into the main benefits of using a tankless water heater.
Energy savings
Tankless water heaters don’t store any water in a tank, but instead apply heat to water when a tap comes on in the house requesting hot water. As water moves through the tankless unit, heat exchangers transfer heat into the water. This means the water heater only uses energy when the household has a demand for it. A standard water heater must use energy regularly to keep the water in the tank at the right temperature and thus consumes more power than an “on-demand” system like a tankless water heater.
Unlimited hot water
People love this advantage of tankless water heaters. Since tankless water heaters have no supply of hot water to deplete and always heat up more on-demand, they cannot run out of hot water. However, multiple hot water taps running at the same time can overwhelm a tankless water heater and cause a drop in its energy efficiency. To avoid this, professionals must properly size the water heater to match a household’s usage.
Storage water heaters undergo more use and strain than tankless models because they must consume more power and run more often. A tankless water heater can often outlast storage tank water heaters by 5 to 10 years because they suffer from less wear and tear. Those extra years offer more opportunities to enjoy tankless water heater savings!
The tank of a storage water heater takes up a significant chunk of real estate within a house. A tankless unit, on the other hand, only takes up a few feet of space. In fact, you can even hang a tankless water heater from the wall, saving floor space as well.
Do Tankless Water Heaters Have Any Drawbacks?
Yes, and when you work with us for a new water heater installation, we’ll take these into consideration to ensure you end up with the right unit. Tankless water heaters cost more to install, although energy savings can pay back the cost after a few years. They also have a longer delay between turning on a tap and the arrival of hot water. Finally, homes with hard water will need a water softener to allow a tankless water heater to work effectively: hard water deposits can quickly lower the water heater’s effectiveness.
Call Temprite Climate Solutions for water heater solutions in Courtenay, BC and the surrounding areas. For a job done right, call Temprite!